Spark aligners

Spark aligners are the most transparent orthodontic treatment available. These clear aligners are so discreet that no one needs to know you’re having treatment.

What are Spark aligners?

Spark aligners are custom trays made of plastic that look like ultra-thin sports mouthguards. Since they are so transparent, Spark aligners are incredibly discreet. They’re also extremely efficient, since they are custom made for your exact smile.

Because Spark aligners are a removable treatment, you can enjoy your favourite foods and activities throughout your treatment with them. You won’t even need to adjust your brushing and flossing routine during treatment.

What are Spark aligners?

How do Spark aligners work?

After you sign up for Spark treatment, you’ll receive a series of custom aligners made with machine precision and hand-trimmed for your comfort. Each set of your Spark aligners is shaped a little differently to guide your teeth into the proper alignment.

Instead of coming in for adjustments, you’ll switch to a new set of aligners every two weeks to progress through treatment. You can even pair your Spark treatment with Dental Monitoring to track your treatment remotely and cut down on in-practice appointments.

How do Spark aligners work?

Benefits of Spark aligners

Spark aligners are:

Discreet: Spark aligners are the clearest option on the market, and are exceptionally stain-resistant.

Affordable: Spark aligners can be a wonderful option for any budget.

Convenient: You can take off your aligners for important events, and use Dental Monitoring for remote check-ins.

Accurate: Because Spark aligners are tailored to your exact smile, they are comfortable, efficient and precise.

Benefits of Spark aligners

A clear choice for a straighter smile

Want to learn more about Spark aligners? Ask us during your free online or in-practice consultation with the Crotty Orthodontics team.

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A clear choice for a straighter smile

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