10 years ago, while attending a meeting in Atlanta in the USA, I heard a wonderful lecture from a very clever and caring Orthodontist called Rohit Sachdeva. His ideas sparked in me a desire to never accept mediocrity as an Orthodontist but to make every effort to push myself way beyond being just average. This spark encouraged me to become proficient in using Suresmile ( which Dr. Sachdeva has helped develop into the world leading system it is today ) and Invisalign (which is the world leader in Clear Braces technology ).

These 2 cutting edge systems, together with the use of advanced Titanium pins to better control tooth movements, are now enabling me to produce nicer smiles, better bites, with very cosmetic braces and in shorter treatment times.

Last week, I spent a few days back in Atlanta with a group of selected European, Australian and American Orthodontists and it was great to share ideas and to realise that the long road which I started down 10 years ago has been worth it. I love Orthodontics, and I enjoy delivering high quality treatment to my patients throughout Cork City and County.